This donation could sponsor up to three interns in our award-winning Internship program.
Brings focused NYC civic education to all through our e-book & video adaptation of “What Makes NYC Run”.
Supports a multi-level outreach campaign to one NYC neighborhood with low voter turnout.
Provides current and critical election updates for voters through “Vote411” and “They Represent You”.
Purchases T-shirts, clipboards, name tags, tote bags, & other materials to help the League’s hundreds of volunteers on the ground in NYC communities.
Hosts one of our acclaimed monthly educational programs focused on NYC’s hot issues featuring both key speakers & city leaders sharing voter education.
donate by check
Make out your check to the League of Women Voters of the City of New York, Inc.
Please mail your check to:
League of Women Voters of the City of New York
4 West 43rd St, Suite 613
New York, NY 10036
An acknowledgement will be sent to you. If you wish to donate in honor or memoriam of someone, please include that information with your check.
donate stock
When donating to charity, a stock donation is often a better option than handing cash to your favorite nonprofit organization. Nonprofits love to accept cash donations, but it is not always the most financially sound way to finance operations from a donor’s perspective. While many veteran investors know and understand stock donations’ value, many more are just getting started. We help everyone who wants to donate stock to charity to do it in the easiest, fastest, and most convenient way possible. This article will look at the seven most important things you should know about making stock donations.
Start your donation via. stocks here:
planned giving
Make a gift that shows your lifelong support for voting and civics education. When you include the LWVNYC in your will or trust, you support voting and civics education into the future. Your gift can have immediate impact or go into effect after your lifetime.
Make a Bequest in your Will or Trust
Sample language to include in your will, trust, or other testamentary document:
“I give [ _____ dollars][_____ percent of the residue of my estate] to the League of Women Voters of the City of New York, located in New York, New York (TIN: 13-3100525) for its general purposes.”
Beneficiary Designation
If you prefer not to make a gift in your will, you can name LWVNYC as a beneficiary in your IRA, life insurance policy, donor-advised fund, or commercial annuities. It’s easy to do!
Contact your plan, fund, or policy administrator and ask them for a change-of-beneficiary form. You may also be able to download the form from their website.
Determine the percentage you’d like to leave LWVNYC, and name us, along with the percentage (0 to 100) on the form.
Return the form to your plan, fund, or policy administrator.
If you’d like to notify LWVNYC of your designation, we would much appreciate it. But there is no requirement to do so.
IRA Charitable Rollover
If you are 70 1/2 or older, this is a great option to support LWVNYC! You can give any amount up to $100,000 each year from your IRA to a qualified charity, like LWVNYC, without having to pay income taxes on the distribution. Gifts that are $100,000 or less are eligible for this benefit, and you’ll know that you are helping to support voting and civics education in New York City!
Did you know?
Your gift will have immediate impact! This can fulfill your Required Minimum Distribution if you already have one or will fulfill it once you are 72. You pay no income taxes on the gift, so you benefit whether or not you itemize your tax deductions. The gift may help reduce your taxable income and Medicare premiums.
tax deductions
The League of Women Voters of the City of New York, Inc. is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization. Your donation is tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law. A copy of our most recently filed financial report is available from the Charities Registry on the New York State Attorney General’s website ( or, upon request, by contacting the New York State Attorney General, Charities Bureau, 28 Liberty Street, New York, NY 10005, or us at 4 West 43rd Street, Suite 615, New York, NY 10036.
You also may obtain information on charitable organizations from the New York State Office of the Attorney General at: or (212) 416-8401