Join the League of Women Voters of the City of New York and start making a difference in your community today.
Become a member and start advocating for positive change!
Become a member and start advocating for positive change!
Update your membership details and volunteer interests.
Why join the league?
- Support democracy by adding your voice to ours
- Protect the right to vote
- Advocate for positive change on issues important to New Yorkers
- Make a difference in your community
- Empower voters
- Participate in non-partisan community engagement
- Share diversity in membership and participation
- Explore fact and research-based positions on issues that affect our community
- Demonstrate democratic values that encourage the active participation of all
- Discover our deep and rich history, and help create our future
NYC Member Benefits
- Automatic enrollment at all three levels of LWV: US, State and Local NYC
- Member discounts for NYC League events
- Represent the League in meetings with Legislators
- Represent the League as a speaker at community events
- Represent the League at candidate forums
- Voting member at Annual Meeting
- Discussion member of LWV Consensus Meetings
- Members-Only Salons discussing League’s positions on issues
How do I become a member?
It’s easy! Click the “Join” button above and complete the online form. If you prefer, you can mail a check to our office in the amount of your desired membership level. Please indicate on the check or in a note that you would like to become a member. Our address is 4 West 43rd Street, Suite 613, New York, NY 10036.
Membership is open to anyone aged 16 or older.
Membership is pay-what-you-can, with the recommended basic membership level of $75 and a minimum of $20. Your membership dues are shared between the local, state, and national levels of the League of Women Voters. If you’d like to make a donation directly to support the local work of LWVNYC, you can donate here: www.lwvnyc.org/donate
For questions regarding membership, please contact [email protected]